Thursday, November 15, 2012

God cares about all the little things... especially little girls... & even little dogs...

”The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.”
 –Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

Earlier this week, we were able to visit with the family who has purchased our home. They came to see how their furniture would work in the space & asked to meet us. After they wandered around a bit, we spent the rest of the hour & half they were with us, in our living room talking. It was amazing to hear how ours was the only house they looked at… how they felt drawn to it… how it was perfect for what they needed… how they felt like it was ‘home’ to them immediately.  We were struck by how our prayers were answered in bringing this particular family to us. They are both a family of faith & are looking to grow their family here. We didn’t only talk of the house. Chuck & the guys talked hunting & fishing & I talked babies & grandbabies with the girls. As we stood by the door (doing the Minnesota goodbye) the ‘father‘ shook Chuck’s hand & encouraged him by sharing some of the wonderful things that are being said our church in the community. The ‘mother’ reached out hugged me. I hope this is just the beginning of a new friendship. I am so incredibly grateful we were able to share such a beautiful & humbling experience. It reiterated to us how this part of our journey has been so clear.  

The visit also reminded us that while sometimes God’s plan for us our lives is so clear, that we cannot help but see His hand...  there are other times that things seem so unclear that we have to trust Him just to take the next step. This is where we find ourselves as we have yet to find a place to rent. This week I’ve come to terms with the possibility that this means we may need to move into an apartment. This is especially hard for me as I have been hoping we will be able to take our dogs with us. I have to admit I’m really struggling to honor God in this area & still honor the commitment we made to Abby & Yooper when we added them to our family & in honoring the feelings of the precious little girl that lives with me. She’s already had so much upheaval this past year with both of her brothers going off to college & her grandpa moving into his own apartment. While I don’t want her to feel ‘punished’ for the decisions we are making out of obedience to what we feel God calling us to & yet I also understand & trust not only that God loves her best & has her best interest at heart but that He promises to care for her tender heart.

Today I find myself humbled & thankful for the way God is continuing to work in our lives & I'm asking for an extra dose of strength & peace to take the next step in our journey to honor God in all areas of our lives...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase."
-Martin Luther King Jr.