Sunday, August 24, 2014

it happened round the table...

Summer is almost over. We have 7th grade open house for our daughter this week, school starts the day after Labor Day & she has already started cross country practice. With the beginning of school comes  the fall programming for Christian Education at church. The search for Sunday School teachers is in full swing, curriculum is being researched & purchased & adult Bible studies are taking shape. While I love all the amazing teaching that goes on at our church, I can't help but feel like it is still missing a little something.
This week as I've been listening to Hubs share his thoughts about 'Christian Education', all I could think about is the sermon series we taught together last year on community & I've been thinking about our precious friends, Dave & April Yeager.
I'm going to post here, in part, some of the message we shared last year... prepare yourself... because of Hubs influence, it's a little different than most of the things I blog but this is so important people. It is the passion of my heart. For real.  
Here's what I mean...  
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17
And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
-Hebrews 10:24-25

"I want to share with you a little bit about the difference between Bible studies & small groups… Many of us have been a part of a Bible study at some point in our Christian lives. Typically, these groups read the Bible for a set period of time on a specific day of the week or study topical Christian books. ACC has had a great track record for excellent Sunday school teaching & home Bible studies. When we first moved here, we found that it was very common for those we talked with, to have come into the church thru a Bible study at Al & Mary Nowachecks house. I’d like for you to take your warm fuzzy memories of your experiences with home Bible study & set them aside for a moment.  Don’t freak out. While Bible studies are wonderful, they don’t constitute a Christian community in its entirety.

So what’s the difference? The short answer is that a small group community is not a Bible study, but a small group community studies the Bible. Does this make sense?

Let me explain… A Bible study is often defined by gathering for the event of learning. The individuals who compose a small group community are individually engaging God’s Word on a daily basis.

The distinction is primarily in expectations: a small group community expects that an individual is participating in the community to contribute something (1 Corinthians 14:26), whereas someone comes to a Bible study to consume something.

Certainly people need to study the Bible, but to study the Bible without engaging in authentic community on mission is a fool’s errand. The purpose of studying the Bible is indeed to learn about God and conform us to the image of Christ, but it’s also to equip us for the work of ministry in the church (community) and outside the church (mission).

If we desire compelling communities that foster obedience to the Bible, our small group community should be naturalneutral, and regular, in the pattern and rhythm of everyday life, not a one-hour, drive-through Bible study.

Practically speaking, most Bible studies need to think critically about how the information that they are studying affects their daily life AND specifically how they can share the good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection with their friends and neighbors.

You know, some of the most incredible teaching & learning I have ever experienced was around the table in our friends Dave & April Yeager’s kitchen. Every Friday night our families got together to make pizza & talk about the Bible. As time went on we got together more frequently. Always for a meal. Sometimes we studied a passage in the Bible… sometimes we just played cards & talked about how God was working in our lives. As our kids played night games & built blanket forts & watched movies & played video games, we shared what we were reading, what God was teaching us & how to work out this whole salvation thing. We laughed together. We cried together. We sharpened each other.  

Again, we don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater here… we just want to encourage you to think a little outside of the box… outside of what you think organized ‘religion’ or teaching should look like." -Building Community, Summer 2013
Here's what I want to reiterate about our Friday night times together with our Yeager friends. Their friendship & the seven years we had living in community with them changed how we view 'church' for the good. Church is not a building. It's not programming or the worship band or the pastors. It is the people... living in true community together.
This is not easy, I'm not gonna pretend that it is. You have to be deliberate. You have to be willing to open up your lives to see each other for who you are deep down inside. To make time to build trust & share meals & learn & play together. We need to be willing to go against what our culture tells us our friendships should look like. We need to stand firm when people think we are strange or weird or 'cultish'. We need to love when our brothers are obnoxious... to be a support to our sisters in the tough times... to encourage our people to grow & change... & to cheer each other on when we succeed.  Sound familiar?
 Acts 2:44-47 tells us of the first century church, "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
It is my deepest conviction that this... this is how we will change the world people.
"The gospel is absurd and the life of Jesus is meaningless unless we believe that He lived, died, and rose again with but one purpose in mind: to make brand-new creation. Not to make people with better morals but to create a community of prophets and professional lovers, men and women who would surrender to the mystery of the fire of the Spirit that burns within, who would live in ever greater fidelity to the omnipresent Word of God, who would enter into the center of it all, the very heart and mystery of Christ, into the center of the flame that consumes, purifies, and sets everything aglow with peace, joy, boldness, and extravagant, furious love. This, my friend, is what it really means to be a Christian."                
                  -Brennan Manning (The Furious Longing of God

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Meanwhile, live in such a way that you are a credit to the Message of Christ. Let nothing in your conduct hang on whether I come or not. Your conduct must be the same whether I show up to see things for myself or hear of it from a distance. Stand united, singular in vision, contending for people’s trust in the Message, the good news, not flinching or dodging in the slightest before the opposition. Your courage and unity will show them what they’re up against: defeat for them, victory for you—and both because of God. There’s far more to this life than trusting in Christ. There’s also suffering for him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting. You’re involved in the same kind of struggle you saw me go through, on which you are now getting an updated report in this letter. -Philippians 1:27-30 (the Message)

Hubs and I ran a Mudman yesterday-a 5K with 17 obstacles- with some crazy amazing friends from our church. We ran as a team, together the whole way. I know Hubs, with his competitive nature, could have run fast... he's made for speed that guy. Instead, he hung back to help me over the walls. Once when I was climbing a particularly scary 15-18 foot wall (Hubs calculations not mine), he must have seen the fear in my eyes because he climbed back up & talked me down. Our team cheered from the bottom.

There is something truly beautiful about running life together. Not only cheering each other on in our successes but getting right down in the muck to encourage each other thru the tough stuff. To come along side each other in support to finish well... to finish strong... & sometimes to just finish... 

I love love love being part of the body of Christ when it works together this way. I mean, who wouldn't want to be part of this kind of party... for real? 

“You may not remember the time you let me go first.
Or the time you dropped back to tell me it wasn't that far to go.
Or the time you waited at the crossroads for me to catch up.
You may not remember any of those, but I do and this is what I have to say to you: 

Today, no matter what it takes,
we ride home together.”
― Brian Andreas,
Traveling Light: Stories & Drawings for a Quiet Mind

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


“Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle” 
–J. M. Barrie

My heart is so sad tonight at the news of Robin Williams passing. Such a brilliant man who made us laugh & made us cry. May his death remind us to seize the day... to seize each moment we are given. May we reach out & cling to the One who has given us breath. Carpe diem. RIP Robin...
Last night the news trickled in… actor, comedian, father, husband, philanthropist Robin Williams, lost his life due to his battle with depression. I was overcome with sadness for this brilliant, beautiful soul snuffed out... it is almost incomprehensible . 
It’s strange how this loss, awakened memories from somewhere deep inside of me, that I rarely talk about. In those first moments, I found myself looking back at my own battle with an agonizing depression brought on by a near crippling eating disorder. It took me right back to a time in my own kitchen, some twenty years ago, where I was making my little boys lunch. It was macaroni & cheese & hot dog men that day. Their favorite. As I decorated those hot dogs with little ketchup feet, some ketchup leaked over onto my finger. Instead of doing the obvious, licking the ketchup off said thumb, I stared at it for a minute & then wiped it off on a kitchen towel. I just couldn’t stand thought of putting those extra calories in my mouth. In that instant, I realized how sick I really was. Slowly I sank to the floor in a puddle of tears. I hated myself & this disease so stinkin’ much… this horrible, secret, debilitating cancer of the mind that had consumed not only my body but everything good in my life. I felt hopeless to escape it, mortified to be in it & wasn’t sure I deserved to live long enough to make the changes I needed to anyway.

You see, I understand the kind of self-loathing that comes with depression. I understand not wanting to get up in the morning or take a shower or get dressed. I understand feeling like you aren’t enough… or that you are too much. I understand the horror of believing that you don’t deserve life or love or beauty. That somehow the pain of living inside your skin is far worse than the pain you will leave behind. A couple of times in my darkest moments, I considered running my car off the road so Hubs could still receive my death benefits. I seriously thought he might be better off without me & my stupid, ugly, valueless life. I also understand the shame from feeling these things. The fear that someone might see your pain & not care… or worse, that they might want to do something about it. 

Depression in its many shapes & forms isolates. It destroys all that is good & beautiful in life. Worst of all, it obliterates truth. 

What truth you might ask? 

The truth that God has created you uniquely for a purpose. (Ephesians 2:10) That He formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). That He knows each & every hair on your head (Matthew 10:30). That your story is so powerful that your life can change the course of another. (Hebrews 3:13)

This. This is the truth that set me free from the lies that bound me. I couldn't save me... I didn't have the strength. Neither could Hubs... though he tried valiantly. It was Jesus & His unfailing love & miraculous grace that brought me out of the dark & into His Light. The Light of Life. 

Today, in the aftermath of this tragedy I pray that we will all realize how precious we are, how much we are loved & valued & treasured. & I pray that those who are struggling in the darkness alone, will find the courage to ask for help. 

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
 - Ephesians 2:10

Friday, August 8, 2014

even if it's not your thing...

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
  –Matthew 18:2-5 (NIV)

I have a love hate relationship with VBS. Yes I said it. & It feels good to get it off my chest. 

Here’s what I love…

I love the kids. Their bright eyes & curious minds & boundless energy.

I love the Holy Spirit’s presence. The simplicity of the message. The truth spoken.

I love the sights & sounds & games & snacks.

I love love love the selfless volunteers that pour themselves into all the little details that make the week so special. (A shout out to all the teens that are coming out & the inordinate amount of guys that came out this year. Way to man up fellas. For real.) 

Here’s what I hate…

I hate myself & my lame excuses. You know the ones? 
That I don't have kids that age & I worked all day & it’s too much & I just want to go home to a bowl of cereal & my sweatpants.

I hate that I’ve worked it up so much in my mind that I worry that I’m not gifted with creativity or music or kids or whatever.

I hate that all that dumb stuff makes me drag my tookis into the church with less than an exuberant attitude the first night out. Um… I’m actually downplaying the dragging my tookis thing cause to be honest it was pretty downright ugly.

Anyhoo…  here’s the true truth. 

The kids don’t care that I’m awkward or that I can’t sing or that I can only draw stick people. They just love that I’m there hanging out on the floor with my legs crossed, singing at the top of my lungs, gesturing wildly & experiencing the whole thing with them. 

Oh don’t get me wrong here, I understand that there is a desperate need for gifted children's ministry people like my visionary friends Jodi & Kayla, who see a plan on paper & remake it out in the real world. The super creative people like my friend Geri & her team who make all the elaborate props. Cause seriously, if I had a dollar for how many times I heard kids & parents go “What? Whoa!”… I could be super rich right now. Or the precious teachers like my friend Elizabeth who love those kids so stinkin' much & just make the stories come alive. & not to leave out, all the game organizers & the kitchen crew & the musicians & the actors & sound guys & girls & the sweet, sweet people who lead little ones around all night racking up cool points just by being there. OHMYGOSHPEOPLE! The beauty of it would take your breath away. 

This is the body of Christ working in a miraculous way. Many gifts (& some maybe not so much), working toward the common goal of introducing little people to the love of Jesus… some of them for the very first time. 

So why am I telling you all this today? Well, I can tell you it's not because I'm trying to make you feel guilty or make you think you have to be everywhere & do everything but if you are using the same lame excuses I was... if you think maybe you are too busy or aren’t gifted or you’re too tired or too old or to awkward or whatever, get over yourself. Your sweatpants will be waiting for you in heaven. BTW... that’s not Biblical, it's just my opinion. 

But seriously, now is not the time to be selfish… Now is the time to make a difference in the eternal. You’ll be blessed I promise. 

“The soul is healed by being with children.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

*PS if you were on the decorating crew or any ‘prep’ crew, you should stop by tonight while the kids are there. It’s magical!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

driving topless...



verb: abandon; 3rd person present: abandons; past tense: abandoned; past participle: abandoned; gerund or present participle: abandoning

1. give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking).

2. cease to support or look after (someone); desert.

3. allow oneself to indulge in (a desire or impulse).


noun: abandon

1. complete lack of inhibition or restraint.

Have you ever experienced a true sense of abandon?

on the road with Hubs...
I just spent the past 5 days on the road on what I’ve been fondly referring to as the Great Lakes tour. At first, I was a little sad that my family had preceded me… that they had had far more vacation time than me. For a brief moment I even bemoaned the fact that really, ‘the tour’ was just my traveling to pick them up so we wouldn’t have to pay for their return flights. But as the date quickly approached for me to leave, I began to get excited about seeing family & friends, even if it was for a brief time. I committed myself to live in the moment, enjoy the experience & to set off on the drive with a sense of adventure.

The plan was to head out on Thursday morning, drive thru Minnesota & Wisconsin to my first stop on Lake Michigan, to camp with my best high school girlfriend. The second day I would travel thru the Upper Peninsula over the Mackinaw bridge, past Lake Huron to the Lower Peninsula to pick up Hubs, who was visiting with a couple of our oldest friends. The third day we would head back out on the road, going south into Ohio to visit with my parents & sister & my niece & nephew & to pick up our daughter who had been staying with them on the shores of Lake Erie. Monday we would get up bright & early & would make the longest leg of our trip from Ohio thru Indiana, Illinois, back up into Wisconsin & finally back into Minnesota & home. 

Five days. Three lakes. Six states. 1,777 miles… more than 35 hours on the road. 

Are you exhausted at the very thought of it? 

The first three days of the trip, I drove my rents PT Cruiser convertible, that they had swapped with me earlier in the month. Each day, I started out with the top down. No mind that the mornings were chilly & required me not only to wear a sweater but to turn the heat on high to keep my flip-flopped clad feet from freezing. To be honest, I might have had it on too high as it literally melted the nail polish I had on my toes. Only once did I have to pull over & put the top up due to a sudden rainstorm. 

Oh my goodness people let me tell you… there is just something about having the sun shining down on you, your hair blowing around in the wind, praise music blaring & you’re singing said music off-key at the top of your lungs. 

My mind cleared. My heart filled.  My spirit lifted. It. Was. Glorious. So glorious that a couple of times I found myself throwing my arms up into the air, tears streaming down my face & shouting “Whooooohoooooo! YAY Jesus!”  Yeah I know I probably looked like a freak show tearing down the road that way but guess what? I don’t care. For real. 

I want to live my whole stinkin’ life like this. Oh I know I have had moments of surrender. After all, I do live in a tiny duplex & just took a new job lower paying job remember. But I also know I have a real long way to go to live a life of true abandon. 

I mean, imagine if I gave up all the things that hold me back from experiencing everything of God. Imagine if I embraced everything He wants for me. Even the messy hair, off-key singing, nail polish melting things. Imagine if I released all my doubts & fears & truly allowed myself to enjoy every moment of sunshine I am given. Imagine what it would look like to lose myself in sacrificial worship with my head & my heart & my hands & my feet & my mouth.  I doubt anyone would recognize me.

I am purposing to work toward living a life of abandon. No offense but I don’t care what people think or what people say. What I do care about is what God thinks & what He wants for me. Whatever that looks like. 

In this moment, I’m pretty sure it starts with my arms in the air. Whooooohooooooo! YAY Jesus!  

“Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It’s because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.
 -1 Peter 1:17-21 (the Message)

PS Oh yeah... I almost forgot, if you need a theme song for your own drive to live life with abandon you might wanna go with this one. Might not compel you to surf or skydive or zipline or dive off a cliff but it's sure to get your arms in the air :)